Understanding The Metabolism Is A Key to Better Body Health

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Understanding The Metabolism Is A Key to Better Body Health

What is metabolism?

You may ask. It is simply a process that takes place in your body. It is the way your body cells convert the food you eat to the energy you use to pretty much do everything as a human. Breathing, moving, thinking, talking…everything you do. Metabolism keeps you alive.

 So even while you are in the middle of asleep, or you are just laying quietly on a couch, your body is as active as ever. As opposed to some beliefs, your body does not “shut down”. This is because it is always consuming and storing energy from the food you eat while also breaking down and building up the molecules required to keep your health in good shape.

But of course, asides from the food you eat there are organs and glands in your body that are responsible for the regulation of your metabolism. Let us briefly explore the glands responsible for metabolism.

What hormone controls metabolism?

Asides from the food you eat, you might be curious as to what controls your metabolism and the organs responsible for metabolism. Inside our body as well, certain hormones are for your metabolism.

These hormones are often referred to as signal molecules. They are responsible for telling your body when to store and when to use energy; and also, when to break up and build up some vital nutrients. Several hormones are produced in the body but there are certain three of them that are responsible for your metabolism.

 The hormones are thyroid hormones, cortisol, and testosterone.

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 Thyroid hormones

Just right in front of your windpipe is where the thyroid gland is situated. It is only a few inches long, but the role it plays in your body metabolism outweighs its size by a ridiculously large extent. The thyroid gland secretes two vital hormones namely T3 and T4.

The T3 and T4 hormones are transported via your bloodstream and they control your metabolism in several ways. They tell your body cells when nutrients are to either be broken down or built up. Another tiny gland known as the pituitary gland located in your brain is responsible for the production of these thyroid hormones.

Let’s put it into perspective when the level of your thyroid hormones is too low, your body begins to make more fat than it requires and you start to gain weight and you might start feeling fatigued and hair loss could also set.

What then happens if there are too many thyroid hormones in your bloodstream? You guessed right! In this case, your body starts breaking down fat rapidly. Your body indeed needs fat but, when there is an irregularity in your thyroid hormone level, it can result in excess production of fat which will make you gain weight. It can also result in excess elimination of fat and eventually weight loss; accompanied by other undesirable effects like sleep irregularities and high blood pressure.


 Also known as the “stress hormone”, Cortisol is the second on the list of hormones that is responsible for your metabolism. The hormone is released into your bloodstream immediately after your body perceives an emergency or when it feels threatened. The response it produces is that sugar molecules (glucose) are quickly pumped into your blood and this provides you with the energy you require to respond to the perceived danger.

But in a situation where you are under stress, say maybe you need to meet a deadline, cortisol still pumps glucose into your bloodstream only that your body will not use this extra glucose so it will instead convert the glucose into fat. This is why too much stress can result in excess cortisol and eventually weight gain.


This hormone is often thought of as the male sex hormone, but it also plays an important role in the control of your metabolism; even as a lady. The hormone plays an important role in the production of muscles and the metabolism of fat. When they are present at lower levels, it prompts an increase in fat mass and if it is present in too much proportion, it can lead to a lower sperm count for men and excess weight gain and acne for women.

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Is there a way to control your metabolism?

Naturally, metabolism declines as you age and as you do not have control over your age, there are simple ways in which you can keep your metabolism in control. Here are a few of the most effective ones:

Do not skip meals (Breakfasts especially): It is not just termed “the most vital meal of the day” for no reason. Eating a proper breakfast will help set your body metabolism rightly to start your day.

Keep fueling yourself with water: All of the processes and chemical reactions in your body need water, it also helps detoxify your body.

Workout: It is a good practice to strengthen your muscles; it makes you more efficient in burning calories.

Spice your meals up with red and green chili.

Always go to bed early.

What vitamins slow metabolism?

All vitamins are vital for your body’s well-being but there are certain ones that play an important role in slowing down your metabolism. Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12, and Vitamin C are very effective in slowing down your body's metabolism so you should make sure to include in your diet foods that contain a healthy proportion of these vitamins.

The wellness of your body should be one of your daily priorities and one way to start that journey is to have a proper testing device. The Vivoo testing device allows you to track vital health parameters, it is easy to use and it also gives nutrition and lifestyle advice. Make sure you get one.

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