What Age Does Metabolism Slow Down?

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What Age Does Metabolism Slow Down?

Metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that convert calories from food into energy. It sounds simple, but there is a catch: this process is massive and differs from person to person. This indicator is influenced by a variety of factors, including gender, body fat percentage, muscle mass, genetic characteristics, and age. However, two people with the same set of characteristics can have different metabolic rates.

Metabolism Speeds at Age Ranges

The amount of energy expended by the body to maintain life and basic functions is referred to as basal metabolism (respiration, circulation, digestion). It is believed that people in their twenties gain weight year after year because their metabolism slows down, especially in middle age. Scientists have identified four stages of metabolism in humans. The first is from birth to one year when the metabolism shifts from the mother's level to the highest in a lifetime - 50 percent higher than in adults. The second is a slight slowdown by the age of 20, with no bursts during puberty. The third - without changes between the ages of 20 and 60. The fourth factor is a steady decline of about 0.7 percent per year, which by the age of 90 reduces metabolism by 26% compared to the average age.

metabolism speeds at age ranges

Under 1 year

We burn calories the fastest during this stage of life, about 50% faster than in adulthood. But we are not born fast: our metabolism coincides with that of the mother. However, a "jump" occurs just a few days later: scientists are still unsure what is going on at this time.

From 1 year to 20 years

We lose the majority of our metabolic rate during this time: it drops by about 3% each year. The rate of metabolism is still very high during this period. 

From 20 to 60 years old

This is the most stable metabolic period; There is a very negligible decrease in metabolic rate. Contrary to popular belief, for women over the age of 40 who have gone through menopause, the metabolic rate does not decrease either.

After 60 years

In old age, the metabolic rate begins to slow by about 0.7 percent per year, and by the age of 90, it has already slowed by 26 percent. Scientists attribute this to the deterioration of internal organ function and muscle mass loss.

Metabolism speed during the period

Studies have shown that the rate of metabolism in women is linked to stages in their ovulation. Precisely, metabolism speeds up around the third quarter of the cycle. The increase in metabolism doesn't occur alone; there is also an increase in appetite and most people eat more during this period. 

What causes slow metabolism?

The microelements supplied by food are processed more quickly the faster the human body's metabolism is. The organs do not receive energy in a timely manner if it slows down. And instead of being burned, fats are deposited as extra pounds. This occurs for a variety of reasons, including:

  • age-related changes (as we get older, our metabolism slows down);
  • inherited proclivity;
  • endocrine pathologies (thyroid, pancreas, and adrenal gland dysfunction);
  • a limited supply of water;
  • vitamin D, iron, and calcium deficiency
  • stress;
  • alcohol intoxication
  • malnutrition
  • extended fasting

Methods for Increasing Metabolism

People who want to lose weight do not always consider the importance of normalizing their metabolism. You will not achieve your goal if you exhaust yourself with physical exercises while also eating poorly. In fact, a strict diet can even have the opposite effect because when the body is starved, it begins to rapidly store nutrients, and the weight increases. So, first and foremost, the metabolism must be addressed in this methods

  • Regularize the diet
  • Reduce your intake of sugar and salt;
  • Maintain a moderately active lifestyle
  • To refuse to engage in bad habits;
  • Have at least 7 hours of sleep
  • Drink plenty of water and soak up the sun's rays.
foods to avoid for good metabolism

What foods should be avoided

If there are foods that speed up metabolism, then there are those that slow it down. For those wishing to normalize the process, it is better to avoid these meals:

  • simple carbohydrates
  • trans fats
  • artificial sweeteners;
  • alcoholic drinks.

How can you slow down your metabolism if you are unable to gain weight?

Most people wish to increase their metabolism and lose weight. But there are some people that desire to gain weight and slow down their metabolism. There are several methods for slowing the process, but it is also critical not to harm your health. It is best to try treatment prescribed by a doctor. You will run tests and choose the most effective treatment entirely dependent on the underlying cause.

If you need to gain weight while decreasing your metabolic rate, try the following:

  • Reduce daily sleep time by a couple of hours
  • Stay in warm temperatures between 71,6 to 82,4 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Limit physical activity
  • moderately reduce fluid consumption.

Urine testing with the Vivoo app, for one, can be applied when monitoring your metabolism. Track your weight, calorie intake, and other factors easily with our app.

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