Vivoo Ovulation & Pregnancy Test

Vivoo Ovulation & Pregnancy Test

*This product is only available in the USA.

The Vivoo LH Ovulation Test is an easy-to-use, at-home diagnostic tool designed to help you pinpoint your most fertile days by detecting the LH surge in your body. Use the free Vivoo app to track your cycle, view results, and gain reproductive health insights. 

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What is Vivoo Ovulation & Pregnancy Test?

Vivoo’s LH Ovulation Test is a simple, at-home diagnostic test that helps you identify your most fertile days by detecting your body's LH surge. The Vivoo LH Ovulation Test works by measuring Luteinizing Hormone in urine. It also includes 5 Pregnancy test. You can track your cycle, interpret your results, and gain valuable insight into your reproductive health with the free Vivoo app.

Why Vivoo Ovulation Test?

Who Should Use Ovulation Test?

  • Individuals trying to conceive who want to track their ovulation cycle.
  • Those who need an easy, reliable, and fast way to predict their most fertile days.

What Are The Key Benefits?

  • Accuracy: 99.1% accurate in clinical studies. Reliable detection of LH surge. The accuracy of image processing is 98%.
  • Ease of Use: Simple step-by-step process with rapid results in 5 minutes and easy to integrate into your routine!
  • Convenient: Test at home and monitor fertility on your own schedule and without assistance.
  • Helps Plan Conception: Provides insights into your fertility window.

Additional Features in the Vivoo App

  • Cycle Tracking: Users can input their menstrual cycle information to predict fertile windows more accurately.
  • Personalized Tips: Based on your test results, the app may provide personalized suggestions and advice.
  • Progress Visualization: The app charts your ovulation results, making it easier to identify trends and track progress.


What Does A Ovulation Test Detect?

Vivoo’s LH Ovulation Test is a simple, at-home diagnostic test that helps you identify your most fertile days by detecting your body's LH surge. The Vivoo LH Ovulation Test works by measuring Luteinizing Hormone in urine. LH typically spikes 24–36 hours before ovulation, marking your most fertile period.

How Accurate Is The Ovulation Test?

The Vivoo LH Ovulation Test is clinically tested and works just as well as similar tests, so you can trust its reliability and accuracy. It’s 99.1% accurate in clinical studies, with 98% accuracy in image processing. Plus, its 25 mIU/mL sensitivity means it can easily detect even the lowest levels of luteinizing hormone in your urine, making it a great tool for tracking ovulation.

When Should I Start Using An Ovulation Test? 

You should start testing a few days before your expected ovulation, based on your menstrual cycle length. For a typical 28-day cycle, testing usually begins on Day 11. Continue testing until you identify your peak positive day.

Can Medications Or Medical Conditions Affect Ovulation Test Results?

Yes, fertility drugs containing LH or hCG, as well as medical conditions like PCOS, can lead to false-positive results. These factors may interfere with test accuracy, so it's important to take them into account when interpreting your results.

How Is An Ovulation Test Different From A Fertility Monitor?

An ovulation test focuses on detecting LH surges, which happen just before ovulation, so it helps you identify your fertile window. A fertility monitor, however, tracks multiple hormones or your basal body temperature, giving you a fuller picture of your fertility and a wider window to work with when trying to conceive.

Can Test Results Be Interpreted After More Than Five Minutes? 

Test results should be read within 5 to 10 minutes. A positive result will remain consistent, but a negative result may change to a false positive if read after the testing period. To avoid confusion, discard the test after reading.

Once I See A Positive Result, When Is The Best Time To Have Intercourse? 

Ovulation typically occurs within 24 to 48 hours after detecting a positive result, marking your most fertile window. For the best chances of conception, it's best to plan intercourse within this timeframe.

I Am Now Using The Basal Body Temperature Method (BBT). Does Ovulation Test Replace BBT? 

No, basal body temperature (BBT) indicates that ovulation has already occurred, while the Vivoo Ovulation test helps you predict when ovulation is likely to happen in the next 24-48 hours, allowing you to better time when it’s about to happen.

Can Ovulation Tests Be Used To Avoid Pregnancy? 

No, the Vivoo LH Ovulation Test is not intended as a method of birth control. It’s designed to help track ovulation and support fertility planning, but it does not prevent pregnancy. If you're looking to avoid pregnancy, we recommend using a reliable contraceptive method.

What Time Of The Day Should I Perform The Test? 

You don’t need to use first-morning urine. The test can be done at any time, but it's helpful to collect your urine at a consistent time each day for more reliable results.